Business consulting & management advice
Actionable recommendations & insights for specific management & leadership challenges
The I2ACT management philosophy is based on over 25 years of experience Dirk Baerts has built up in leading companies across the globe. When looking for advice on how to improve the efficiency of the company’s operations, how to grow a business internationally or raise the management skills of your people managers through coaching and mentoring, I2ACT Canada can help. Our actionable recommendations and active support are building upon the I2ACT philosophy and will provide proven solutions to these questions.
We can offer flexible working solutions adapted to our client’s needs and capabilities, with our expertise and experience geared towards 4 main areas:
1. Company strategy & business planning, including
Business analysis & opportunity/risk reviews
Purpose & strategy development, implementation & execution
Short- & long-term business planning & forecasting
Effective & engaging leadership communications​
2. Sales & marketing management guidance, on
Development & execution of successful sales & marketing strategies & plans, with SMART-designed targets and KPIs to drive scalable and profitable growth
Internationally sales & business expansion (with strong expertise in Europe) and building & coaching performant international teams
Structuring lasting sales & distribution channels (incl. digital channels)
Creating repeatable sales processes and effective CRM utilization for lead generation & new sales
3. Practical financial & profitability advice for business leaders, focusing on
P&L optimization
Financial planning & budgeting
Budget control metrics & KPIs
4. Business operations and organizational efficiency improvement, assisting with and advising on
Turn-around scenarios and change management
Innovation & technology integration
Creation of an action-based culture
Leadership development, and team creation, coaching & mentoring
I2ACT is able to deliver its customers relevant, actionable answers and active support on these specific matters, and can step in quickly and delivers lasting results.
Contact Dirk Baerts if you want more information or would like to receive a quote for a specific project.