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Interim Executive

Interim & Fractional Management

A cost-effective way to fill temporary gaps in your leadership teams or strengthen your executive bench on a part-time basis

I2ACT Canada offers its interim management services to start-ups, small & medium sized and multi-national organizations that have a temporary, non-permanent opening in their leadership or executive team, and are looking for a quick, versatile and budget-friendly solution without creating the long-term liabilities related to a full-time hire. I2ACT’s interim management assignments are typically between 3 and 18 months, but longer assignments (2-4 years) can be handled, based on the client’s requirements. Our fractional services are of particular interest to small and medium sized organization who want to strengthen their leadership team, but do not have the need and/or the funds for a full-time hire. I2ACT Canada is able to step in and assist for a few hours up to a few days per week, depending on the client’s requirements.

We operate according to the I2ACT philosophy, with a strong focus on planning, action-driven execution, and result monitoring. Our interim management expertise and experience centers around 4 axes:


1. Strategic leadership, including business analysis, purpose & strategy development & implementation, and short- & long-term business planning, filling interim positions as Chief Executive Officer (CEO), President, Managing Director, Executive Director, Country Manager and Chief Operating Officer (COO)

2. Sales & marketing management, both regional and international, building performant teams executing on clearly defined sales & marketing plans with SMART-designed KPIs and targets driving scalable and profitable growth, which offers solutions for organizations who need to temporarily replace their Chief Commercial Officer (CCO), Chief Revenue Officer (CRO) or (Senior) Vice-President Sales & Marketing

3. Financial responsibility, focusing on P&L optimization, financial planning & forecasting, and budget control, which allows I2ACT to strengthen organizations on an interim basis in almost every leadership positions

4. Operation and organizational efficiency, with a long-standing experience in different industries regarding turn-around and change management (Dirk Baerts is a Prosci-certified change practitioner), innovation & system integration, and team development, mentoring & coaching


If you need to strengthen your executive bench for a specific amount of time or are temporarily missing a critical leadership headcount in your organization and need to bridge that gap for several months, in a cost-effective way, with an experienced leader who can step in quickly, and without any long-term liability, I2ACT’s interim and fractional executive services are the solution to your challenge.

For more information on the I2ACT interim & fractional management solutions or to discuss an interim or part-time leadership requirement you have within your organization, contact Dirk Baerts directly via email or phone.

Interim & Fractional Management: Text
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