Lately I have been receiving several unsolicited emails from web developers, SEO specialists and digital marketers, who all seem to have found a keen interest in wanting 20 minutes of my time to talk about …. I am not sure what. The introduction emails are mostly all the same, one sentence describing who they are, a few words (not even a sentence) on what they do & who they worked for, and the closing line to ask me for my time, typically with a “you can book time in my calendar” message.
Whereas I understand & wholeheartedly buy into the need for prospecting and reaching out to potential clients, this approach misses the mark completely, for several reasons:
Is there an issue or a missed opportunity in my organization that the sender has discovered and is addressing? If so, I could not find it in any email, so what is my interest in proceeding?
What does the sender have to offer that is so unique or intriguing that I should book an appointment with her or him? Both my and their time is valuable, so unless there is something I can absolutely benefit from, I don’t see the point in scheduling time in someone’s calendar. And I did not see anything special in the emails I received, so where’s the incentive?
What does the sender know about my company, has she or he researched it? Do they know what services I am offering and where I could use help? None of the emails pointed at that, in the contrary, other than my name nothing seemed personalized.
These types of mass-mail “lead generation” emails are not working and typically end up in the delete folder, if they get passed the spam-filter. For a lead generation email to work, it has to be intriguing, either by presenting a new idea, asking a relevant question or prompting the reader to reflect upon the topic. Both title and email need to immediately engage the reader, as within seconds she or he will decide to continue reading or not.
As sales is all about getting to know the prospect and their needs, put a little research in beforehand and at least review the prospects website. If you find something that can be linked to the solution, product or service you are offering, use that so your outreach becomes much more personal rather. It might take a little more time and limit a blanket, mass-coverage approach, but it will result in a much higher response rate. Especially when you create a thought-provoking or interest-generating idea or question around your solution, that merits (or almost “forces”) a response from your prospect. If you still want to go for the mass mailing approach, why not start with a question related to the business or industry they are in, or refer to a common challenge in that industry the organization can resolve? Ask if the company is encountering the same issue and ask if they have found a solution, “because you have one, if that would interest them”. At least you have demonstrated a basic interest in the business of your prospect, and by asking questions, you are more likely to create a reaction, a pull effect so to say.
An eye-catching or intriguing title, text and/or picture can work as well, as long as it is relevant to the business solution you are promoting. The advantage of leading with a question, other than triggering the thinking process with the prospect, is that it makes it easier to ask more questions later once the dialogue has started. You will be able to get more information regarding the prospect’s business and needs, before presenting your full solution. Contrary to the “push” email where you simply present your organization and its products or services, the pull email demonstrates your interest to learn more about your prospect and almost implies that there will be more information asked before moving into the solution stage. When the prospect responds to the original email, she or he is more likely to provide you with additional information spontaneously without you asking for it. This will allow you to tailor your solution optimally to your prospect’s needs, making it much more attractive than the cookie-cutter, off-the-shelf approach the prospect will get elsewhere.
All it takes for you is to be intriguing in your lead generation, and to demonstrate interest in your prospect’s needs. Personalize your message, ask a relevant question first & provide your solution later.
I2ACT Canada has extensive knowledge in creating lead generation campaigns and support organizations in their lead generation and sales efforts. We can actively assist your organization in effectively developing your lead generation campaigns & driving sales results. If you want to learn more about the sales management services I2ACT Canada can offer and the solutions & skills it can bring to your organization, visit the website or contact Dirk Baerts.
